[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

Yeah I wouldn’t fault Hippo on that one I guess

But 1. I haven’t received any warnings, and have submitted something for every challenge and have voted every time
2. I didn’t settle on my alliance and I tried to seek out people who I thought would be loyal and honest with me
3. I’ve been really elaborate with my answers if you look at my first post. I am trying just trying unconventionally

I settled on my alliance as I felt like we could get to the final together, we all trusted each other entirely and we didn’t want to break that at first, I just kept with my team until I knew I had to go solo, I took priority for myself and then went for the team towards the end.

I respect that. I feel like most people in your alliance were trust worthy and loyal so it worked out until late game

That’s why my question is to prove you were active after all and deserve winning, duh.

^ that

??? Confused.

As per I do not know what deals you had with whom and am asking to pull informaiton out of what you did whole game, alliances, betrayals ect.

Just so I can gauge which of you put more effort in this game.

Cause on surface neither of you was really active.

I did do 1 betrayal.

It’s not important, but I completely backstabbed GamerPoke towards the start of the game.

@eevee a summary of my game. i did play quite hard. if u have any questions ask.

I can’t ask any more questions, I can only explain what I was asking about.

Everyone has 1 question after all.

Nah I’m pretty sure it’s just open forum where we can talk with them

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It’s this. It’s open. Kai said bad Datbird when I said one each

Reminder votes need to be in by 2019-11-11T23:30:00Z today

I had already vote when you pinged me lol.

Yeah shush. U were the reason I remembered to ping people, plus didnt want to leave ya out this time


Calculating now send them in if u havent

I’ll read the votes in the main thread

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The votes are in, I’ll see you all in three months at our live reunion show!