[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

All the mentions of it I could find. Some state til the final 4 and others dont state anything about when it can be used

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imagine playing an idol in the final tribal tho
ā€œx has played an immunity idol and all votes for them will not countā€
gets 6/7 votes, but loses

You forgot this one.

Well when I said final tribal I meant the last one. As in the final elimination tribal

Still doesnt say final 5

Oh, nvm, I though you were posting all hints for the idol lol.


That was Kai actually, not you @DatBird

I forgot which host said it before.

I donā€™t care, the Jury members present means that I lose regardless. Might as well speak my truth instead of being a fake bitch like everyone else

Well yeah thatā€™s for the idols he hid. Idk man. I didnt see that rule. Just made it go to final elim for fun

I understand, so you donā€™t want to take part in final challange which is convincing jury to vote for you.
This way you are not convincing me either, for not even trying.

Votes will be a lot closer than you think.

Nah, Iā€™ve done what I can. I just refuse to be fake because if I was in the jury position I wouldnā€™t vote for fake people. I understand that Iā€™m a bitch and that I have a horrible personality but hopefully I can be respected in the fact that I am always going to be true to myself and Iā€™m not going to resort to being a suck up. I say it how it is :woman_shrugging:

Interesting conflict.

See, I didnā€™t lie whole game either. And Iā€™m staying true to my own PoV.

Iā€™m voting for someone who tries, you donā€™t try to convince jury right now, that means you donā€™t want to win hard enough to deserve a vote.

ā€œEevee I love you so much you were literally the best player in the game you won almost all the challenges and you captured the spirit of the game and the game wasnā€™t the same without youā€ <ā€” why would I say something that I donā€™t mean? It comes off as annoying af and I hate anyone that acts like that

Iā€™ve literally posted the most out of any other competitor

Sigh. Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m after ffs.

I want to know what you did to make game more interesting. Alliances, stuff.
How am I supposed to know what you did in shadows whole game?

Itā€™s time to finally reveal, what you people did.

I can see only obvious stuff, and obvious is that none of you was idol hunting and that most of you didnā€™t bother to submit challanges.
I wanted final 3 to prove to me that you deserve to win, not that you was just slanking all game.

Yes, I plaied to what I think was best way to make game more interesting, both for me and others.

Iā€™m not after compliments or being salty.
Iā€™m after finally understanding what you were doing whole game.

Like I can still understand Tele did something.

But Wazza and Hippo should of been kicked long ago for strikes.
Thatā€™s why I want to give all of you a chance to prove you actually did something, instead of just slanking.

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Did you read my strategy posts?

At first, Iā€™d have to say Eevee, but I knew Iā€™d never stay in with him so Iā€™m going with Simon here.

I regret not helping Squid win the Idol.

Inactivity canā€™t be proven though, thatā€™s the problem in these types of games.


99% sure we all saw it, Eevee.

I had a funeral on that day and after I got home the challenge was over. I thought Iā€™d have more time but my mum got drunk and we stayed for 6 hours longer.

I technically did. Even if you say it didnā€™t count, Iā€™m counting it.


Iā€™d rather stick with my OGā€™s than join a new tribe that was going to be merged literally 1-2 games later.

We eliminated threats, me, Squid and Hippo were always communicating.

Isnā€™t this game literally about winning? Fun isnā€™t an option here. Hell, I had barely any fun, apart from the challenges. There wasnā€™t much to do, no one wanted to interact with the other team and no one had any idea Hippo was even on the other side.

Sorry but Iā€™m 99% sure the final 5 were all active, just not all together or in public (Well apart from Isaac, I have no idea with him)

Mineā€™s more than likely going to be the worst to convince you. But itā€™s worth a shot.

I was honest the entire game about my actions (Yeah, cliche and not what a person wanting to win should do). I had a plan from the start, make people forget that I existed, I didnā€™t want to cause beef or drama, and I didnā€™t want to be seen as a threat, but I also didnā€™t want to be seen as a failure, I usually went towards the middle for challenges so I wasnā€™t an easy pick to go out. I also tried my hardest during the last few tribalā€™s to stay in, which was mostly just an act of desperation as I will admit. But I felt like I had a need to win at that point, in a challenge everyone said I would be least likely to win, and it really doesnā€™t seem like Iā€™ll win at all to be honest, but I just wanted to prove myself I guess. I didnā€™t make the game interesting, all I did was play for myself, I know itā€™s not the answer you asked for but itā€™s the answer you got.

The thing about you though, is that you didnā€™t play low. You went out full honesty mode and told everything. You were too open about yourself. I was honest, but not open unless approached.

Why would I have been kicked long ago for strikes? I literally got 1 strike and thatā€™s because I didnā€™t realise voting had started.

2 of my strikes were in premerge when I said I had no wifi for a while.

In the postmerge I was safe every vote and had no need to win immunity. Itā€™s not all about immunity.

And waz is absolutely right that even tho this thread wasnā€™t busy everyone was busy talking in PM chains.