[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

That’s why I asked in the first place.

It was confirmed that wording is like that to make it possible.

Said person who failed to be first at deciphring idol clues… twice

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Someone on the unseen got to it before me this last challenge tho

Okay so the first time I didn’t know what I was looking for

The second time I didn’t think Kai would be able to edit actual class cards

Wait, maybe it was one idol per tribe again?

I don’t think so

@PoisonedSquid @Simon you guys know there was new idol hint?

None of our tribe knew

Lol derps for spewing it’s in classcards

Well yk


Classcards? What do you mean by that?





Make sure to say it in confessionals

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Dont worry about it squid.

Was it a bad idea to do it just for the office meme?

was it satisfying?
hell yes.