[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

turning this into a signups as i think theres a good chunk of interest



is that an in

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@astand @KyoDaz @PoisonedSquid

since you all showed some form of interest

Did I in?

I didn’t?
/Backflip off a bridge into IN


Simon ins

Simon, important question

Are you hyped?


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eh, kinda

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For Island of the Idols, not this

39 is really just gonna be filler until 40.

It might be nice to watch it casually instead of being mega-invested in every episode of the season.



I have no idea what I’m doing but let’s give it a go.
I’m just gonna assume it’s like I’m a Celebrity except you aren’t trying to influence the public but others.

Welp I will prob be tied up with time to actually participate, but is it cool if I just


You should watch a season of survivor if you really wanna get a grasp of it.

It’s like 12 40 minute episodes a season, but you wouldn’t regret it