[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

are you playing on mobile or pc?

PC, why?


You gotta ping them, or it aint gonna work… is the puzzle actually not working?

the puzzle is weird for me i can’t tell if its how its supposed to be


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You can get the app and it works


Errr… nvm (tried to post a link to imgur but it didn’t work)

it did though


It did? Oh, didn’t work for me when I reclicked it

Nvm then

Just don’t make it Taiko and it will be semi fair game.


Excuse me what the fuck

I’m on PC, why does it want an ANDROID Coinminer?

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Also, I can’t do this challenge then lol.

Why would you bother with android trojan if you are on PC tho?

um not sure mate honestly if u have a phone u can play it on there off the app store and screenshot the score

I can’t bypass it either way.

Aight, I’ll try that.