[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

I hoped squid managed to find it, guess not.

ugh I’m still waiting in results from one of you. @Isaac_Gonzalez u have til 2019-11-09T17:00:00Z or approximentally an hour before you just lose this challenge

Results incoming

Challenge ees a thrown out 2
Better host Dat
Total elims 13
Worst score in 1st challenge Magnus
Real Idols played 2
No more Woman first answer Obama
Second voted out Poke
Mixer participants 6
Idols used on others 2
Dead participated 2
Office season 5
Cult Idol Pink plus white
Why the fuck wouldnt you use all 24 hours
Unseen Idol Super Rich Kids
Cipher key IDOL
Days in survivor 39
Merged Tribe name Neut

Isaac got 5 right

Hippo got 9 right

Tele got 14 right

Wazza got 12 right

@Teleology has won the individual immunity idol

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Well it’s time for final Tribal only three of you make it in. And Tele already has one slot. Fight for your slot and get to the finale

Three Months Later

Well even through the ups and downs, it was a total pleasure hosting this season and I commend Dat trying his best even with my depature.

Wazza, Tele, and Hippo. All three of you did what 13 others could not. Sit at final tribal council and make your case for winning this game. Some admittedly did better than others. However, you all did that, and I commend you all for it

Now, I’ll go tally the votes.


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Kai Probst returns with the voting urn.

Wazza, Tele, Hippo. Tonight, You want to see your name on these parchments.

I’ll read the votes…

First vote…


Thats 1 vote Tele, 6 votes left.

Second Vote…


That’s 1 vote Tele, 1 vote Wazza, 5 votes left.

Third Vote…


We’re all tied up, 1 vote Tele, 1 vote Wazza, 1 vote Hippo, 4 votes left.

Fourth Vote…


That’s 2 votes Tele, 1 vote Wazza, 1 vote Hippo, 3 votes left. If Tele receives 2 more votes she will be the winner. If Hippo receives 3 more votes he will be the winner. Wazza is not in the running for winning mathmatically

Fifth Vote…


Once again, we are all tied up, 2 votes Tele, 2 votes Hippo, 1 vote Wazza…


Sixth vote…


That’s 3 votes Hippo, 2 votes Tele, 1 vote Wazza.




The seventh and final vote is for…




Tele placed 2nd, and Wazza 3rd.

You may now post

I’m absolutely furious I got voted out 16th.
I was the final boss of this game.