[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 6



how though

I managed to do 13k before failing.

Marshal was definetly best with 16k

Point was to find good balance and not move mouse, lmao.

I did on laptop pad lol

Same thing, find balance and not touch touch pad.

omg look at what score I just got, get beaten y’all


Except we didn’t edit picture for ours :stuck_out_tongue:


is anyone watching the current season of survivor, the last episode was fucking lit


I love selling myself lies, I should have a break for about an hour in like 10 to 15 minutes, Im gonna compile what I have, if it aint much we might just do a seperate challenge.



no challenge :slight_smile:

whispers shit happened. Should be home in an hour

11 hours later

Creating it now

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Final Challenge this is the easiest way to confirm ur in the finale by winning this. Theres one other way do you have the power? If not look for it, cause that’s the only way you can know if it’s already taken. Well hope ya had fun

I love it how no one understands the idol clue so dat is reminding everyone constantly to go look for it.

New clue. FIRST you must find the puzzle it is found in this thread posted by me and then you must tie to find the clues for the cipher key. Well have fun. It could be gone