[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

This is gonna take ages there shld be multiple pairs at same time

I agree, that’s why I picked myself and now I have to wait for host anyway. Lmao.

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Wanna just restart and try again?

Maybe we won’t get stuck in something which we need host for.
Or at least I will pick someone we don’t need host for, lol.

Like I had other answers, but wanted this guy for a reason.

I’m here how can I help

I wanted to know if ancient greek rulers who were mentioned in greek mythology are valid entry.

Or if I shall submit something else.

But it seems Hippo now disappeared.

If they are only myth and arent real I would say no

The point is we don’t really know it tbh.

Like which rulers are still myth and which are real?
Where is the line.

That was the problem.

Yeah I’d say that’s iffy, if theres not strong evidence they existed I would say no

Well, they are called “semi-mythical” cause we can’t prove or disprove the tales which were writen later on.

Sure tho.

Uhh I guess that match cant continue since there was a rule clarification and @Hippolytus dont seem to be here. If he does show up plz continue so we get this done. This is prob the worst challenge due to scheduling

Can I just do it with whoever comes first online?


If ur on can some of you plz compete to move this on

It’s like I even reduce own chance by placing myself, to get it over faster.

I’m available, but at the same time, I might be needed in an RP. I’m not sure at this point

Well can you try if you have to leave we will cancel the match but we need to move this forward

Ladies first.

Unless you don’t want to.

(Sorry Tele)

Come here Isaac