[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]



Eevee vs Isaac?

how did you know i was spying on you the whole time :gun:

I’m fine to go

U liked my one post


i was outted

Do you prefer to start or shall I?

i don’t know what im doing

DatBird, discord.



im sorry Kai. <3 you no homo


InsanityForum Veteran




Neutral Tribe files in

First things first…@eevee gonna need to take the immunity necklace back…

Ready to get your individual immunity challenge?


Kai_5Kai Probst


You’ll be playing something which i adore, as its purely skill based and not a shitty luck comp

Now kai what is no more women you may ask?


“No More Women” in which each player names a famous person (you need some proof of their existence and claim to fame, a Wikipedia page will do) as well as a category that the person falls under.

For example, I might name “Marie Curie” and go with the game’s titular rule – ‘no more women’.

From that point on, nobody could name a woman as their celebrity when it gets to their turn.

The game continues as more and more rules get applied - if you name a celebrity who falls under one of the banned traits, or simply can’t produce a name at all… you are out of the game.

Our first two players will be @eevee and @Teleology

After that the winner then picks two people to play next, waiting until we get down to two people. And then the winner of that game wins immunity!

im so confused

Simply find a famous person and make a new rule to make it harder for someone else to find a famous person. A famous person must be on wikipedia. If u break one of the rules you or ur opponent sets up you lose. U have 3 mins to find a famous person

The new rule must make it possible to find a person so you cant say no polish people when all non polish people is off the board

im a famous person

wait can it be anyone?

U dont have a wiki page probably. So once ur ready pick a famous person and add a new rule

like what do you mean by new rule

