[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

New rule you cant make rules that ask for one person since then there is no way to make a new question for it. Or only applies to one person like. Must be suitable for at least like 10 people

bruh you added a new rule after someone was already out

A rule to make your opponent have to search for someone in a new way. Like no people who were born in Australia or no people who have four fingers. No people born past 1980

so i start with a random celeb and a rule?

Pretty much. Celeb/historical figure

Barack Obama

no sports players

am i doign this right


Barack Obama was a sport player?

but i said barack obama before i said no sports players :wink:

The game is called “no more XYZ” cause you said LAST person which fills the rule, but yours have to fill it.


Sorry my apologies eevee is right

was george washington a sports player


george washington
no sports players


fuck i think eh did

Well pick a sports player then if u want that rule


wdym i thought i couldn’t pick a sports player