[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

What? That didn’t break the rules.

Wait no. It did. My apologies.

I thought it was from the Tribal Chat is all. My mistake.

It was my confessional.

I’m trying to prove hosts missed my score and refused to fix it.

I got further punished for trying to show what happened, as you can see.

it was literally a rule since signups were posted…

Same as objectivism of hosting.

Fist you ignore my score and later on you try to forbid me from proving it?

Is that your plan?

if you posted the screenshot of only your score i would just warn, but you POSTED YOUR CONFESSIONAL.

I have admitted fault for that by not saying that you needed to submit the score as you got it, however i cannot defend blantant rule breaking

You can’t really defend not doing a re-trial to be fair.

But you have admitted it so I’ll shut up.

You literally said highest score wins immunity.

There is literal top 3 scores writen after each game.

Plz don’t yeet me for not voting I thought we had longer lol

Alright, alright, did Eevee send that score before the time limit? If so, then give him the immunity chief

Yes he did. But it’s too late now apparently.

@Ami @DatBird next challenge when?

I will talk with Kai, theres been a secret challenge in queue but hasnt been completed and at this point I say fuck it and just skip it

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Ok Ok, gotta figure out whos still alive and whos still playing. We are gonna speed these last few rounds up, and Im in total control :stuck_out_tongue:


You are the final 6. From now on, the game is speeding up. Please confirm you want to participate by liking this post or replying back. If you accept I will send you the details of the next challenge


if u dont wish to particpate it is unerstandable, we have taken so long. Unfortunately you will not be apart of the jury if u refuse to play.

Also there is two major hidden twists COMING SOON, find them or win them and you can have an serious advantage. I will give further details on one of these twists starting soon.


Great turn out so far. Just gonna send out the challenge in a sec.

ok people you have 24 hours to send me your best score in QWOP. 2019-10-29T23:45:00Z


The First twist is that the highest score here might not be enough to snag the individual immunity idol. Will yours be high enough to ensure your safety this week

Please make sure when you submit the score you have a pic of the time/date if u can so we make sure this is legit. Also send them in ur confessionals

Also im pretty sure there is a mobile version so dont worry.


More info on the second twist and maybe more will be revealed soon