[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Reunion, Day 39]

example submission. Make sure to submit this final death screen not mid gameplay

We’re allowed to talk here right?


if any of y’all get better than 2 tell me, it’s pretty tough to beat, I know.

1.5 is my best, but I didn’t take a screenshot of the final screen. There is a record though listed in the game itself. Can I use that?

idk what u mean, can u send a pic?

image im doing pretty good

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joke btw ^

@DatBird so this race is metres count right? highest one wins?

make sure to submit the real one in ur card

Yeah highest score

would you think im bluffing if i said i got a 50+

no i would not but need the proof i mentioned earlier

i got a 30 wbu

:eyes: how?!

pro skills

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Would it be bad if I told you my best score is literally -1 metre?

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But, you nubs, you can’t even do -58 metres
On hindsight thats actually really impressive if I had actually attempted it

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I think I just managed to RKO myself.

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I’m seeing some good scores, but are yours best enough to get the Individual Immunity Idol.

Maybe, Maybe Not. Also just as a heads up the First twist will be fully revealed at the end of this challenge, and the second one will be hinted at at the end of this challenge. You have a bit over 8 hours left. Submit submit submit. You can always improve

I havent got anything positive yet imma just submit 0

Rather not embarass myself with my shocking screenshot scores lol