[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

grabs broom shu get out of here.


You misunderstood me.

I’m not salty, I just have noone to vote.

2 out of 3 people here should be home for inactivity.
You didn’t bother to search for idol till you got hints thrown in your face.

Why would I vote to win someone who imo didn’t bother to win this.
What you were supposed to do is convince me you did bother about this game.

Attacking me back is not gonna win my vote.

Also @DatBird

How was idol plaied in final 4 if you said before it works untill F5 only?

That’s not what I said

All the mentions of it I could find. Some state til the final 4 and others dont state anything about when it can be used

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imagine playing an idol in the final tribal tho
“x has played an immunity idol and all votes for them will not count”
gets 6/7 votes, but loses

You forgot this one.

Well when I said final tribal I meant the last one. As in the final elimination tribal

Still doesnt say final 5

Oh, nvm, I though you were posting all hints for the idol lol.


That was Kai actually, not you @DatBird

I forgot which host said it before.

I don’t care, the Jury members present means that I lose regardless. Might as well speak my truth instead of being a fake bitch like everyone else

Well yeah that’s for the idols he hid. Idk man. I didnt see that rule. Just made it go to final elim for fun

I understand, so you don’t want to take part in final challange which is convincing jury to vote for you.
This way you are not convincing me either, for not even trying.

Votes will be a lot closer than you think.

Nah, I’ve done what I can. I just refuse to be fake because if I was in the jury position I wouldn’t vote for fake people. I understand that I’m a bitch and that I have a horrible personality but hopefully I can be respected in the fact that I am always going to be true to myself and I’m not going to resort to being a suck up. I say it how it is :woman_shrugging:

Interesting conflict.

See, I didn’t lie whole game either. And I’m staying true to my own PoV.

I’m voting for someone who tries, you don’t try to convince jury right now, that means you don’t want to win hard enough to deserve a vote.

“Eevee I love you so much you were literally the best player in the game you won almost all the challenges and you captured the spirit of the game and the game wasn’t the same without you” <— why would I say something that I don’t mean? It comes off as annoying af and I hate anyone that acts like that

I’ve literally posted the most out of any other competitor