[Misc] The Apprentice - CANNED

Hello Hopeful Nerds and welcome to MarshalTech! We are looking to hire the best business man, woman, or person who can help our company thrive. We will be looking for the hopeful with the best business sense and street smarts.

This is a forum version of The Apprentice. the show that was hosted by none other than Donald J Trump. While the format has been edited to make the game work better on forum(and not just be a big ego stroke of the host) the core idea will still be to do whatever it takes not to be fired.

Now how will this work you ask?

You will be divided into 2 evenly-split teams, who will get a private chat and will pick your team names.
There will be as many “Phases” as needed until the players get narrowed down enough/
Phases go like this:

  • First, each team elects a project manager to lead them in a task(This may also be done during a boardroom meeting)
    • These tasks will test your business skills such as sales, marketing, finance, and value creation
  • Each team would compete in said tasks and a winner will be determined
  • The losing team will be sent to a boardroom meeting
    • In these meetings, the task manager will pick 2 team members they think were responsible for the loss
    • Everyone will then vote between the 2 team members and task manager on who they think is to blame. The team member with the most votes is Fired.

The next phase will then begin

Once the pool has been whittled down to four players, each player will be randomly paired with another, and the winner of the task will move on to the final two
The final two is about resume building. Each player will present a list of their achievements and gained skills and why they should be hired.

My advisers and I will then decide who to let go and who will become The Apprentice.

Now part of business is connections, and what kind of boss would I be if I didn’t let you make some. For this reason, **You are allowed to make PM’s with ANYONE, including people on the other team(however most of the cross-team relations will be competitive), as long as i am included in all of these chats.

Additionally, if someone is caught slacking off at work more than once, they will be fired immediately!

The game hopefully starts with 14-16 players

Now, are you willing to test your skills and hopefully become… The Apprentice.

Marshal note: If anyone is interested in a special pregame task(won’t take up much time) that may help you position yourself better in the game, the first to people to say so will get it

^ already filled


1: Magnus
2: Darth_Tabor FIRED
3: Appelsiini
4: PoisionedSquid
5: Boss110
6: Shurian
7: Wazza
8. Universal
9: kyodaz
10: Emelia
11: Hippolytus
12: Clonedcheese
13: Derps
14: Jgoes


1: Arete


(Please add all specs to any private chats you create, along with me)

/Pregame Task

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Now time to read.

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Oh I remember doing something similar to this.

yeah it’s kind of similar to survivor

But significantly different enough of a game IMO

with format and all

and central theme

I was thinking of Eviction Notice from Roblox, actually.
Am I wrong?

that’s based on the CBS show big brother

and yes this actually is quite similar

i didn’t want this game to just be “marshal decides all” cuz thats no fun

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I haven’t watched Big Brother

its a lot like survivor

just with a different format and everyone is inside the whole time

and there is live camera feeds of the contestants at all times

So everything is public?
Why not format it like Kai’s Survivor, yes I know they’re Ami now with DMs for each team, and further DMs for whispers? It keeps team secrets from each other.

if i didn’t mention already each team gets a DM

and this is a thing mentioned in OP

in fact public posting won’t be a thing at all

if someone wants to they can create a DM with everyone

but this thread will be used for game announcements and shit

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@sulit @Shurian

since y’all expressed some form of interest


This game is won by the one Who is most Liked

And since no one likes me I know that this game will be lost

actually likability isn’t that imporant this game

it’s all about who is the best businessperson

Not really though.
You could be terrible at business but offer people alliances and team up then backstab them and…

oh wait! It is business!

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Sounds festive


congrats darth