[Misc] The Apprentice - CANNED

well it’s lookin’ like that

I don’t know how long Colors is supposed to last, but yeah, I’d agree that BotF will finish first

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Colours is in the final chapter, approaching the endgame. Obviously, it depends on how long the Players take, but i’d expect around a week? I don’t know.

Bippity Boppity bump

this is still a thing and i still have plans to run it, and nearly the whole thing planned out

sure /in

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out of likes

but like

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we need more players


Do it qt

trying to decide

if you say /in you get 0 $

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:hammer: Bump

I still fully plan to run this

I’ll join if emilia joins

@Emilia do it no balls


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I’m good at blaming people.
This is a game for me.

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I mean

Do it or balls