[Misc] The Apprentice - CANNED

You aren’t wrong

Oh right, this game is about running companies.

Who is company president for each company?

There is no one “President”. Each task, there will be an elected task manager who is in chare of leading the team on that task. The current task managers are Hippolyus for 69.420 and Clonedcheese for Democracy

I despise memes, so you’ve got my vote!

Thank you so much!

And @eevee did you actually vote for the memes one ;-;

Why don’t you like memes?

Sorry that this seemed like a stretch. I am trying to get all the players I have played with before and know a bit about to try and participate in this challenge and vote for the Team Democracy logo. I am sorry for the lack of context I gave and the annoying @. We just really want to win this first challenge

I had forgot I signed up for this so I’ll Probabaly put minimal effort idek if I’m allowed to talk here but

If I’m being honest, I don’t think Democracy did very much research on this forum. They clearly didn’t factor in that people love memes more on this forum then actual hard work. What did you talk about when you were trying to research what logo would be the best, because clearly it doesn’t seem like you did much research.

I never stated that we researched it. Just that Squid had worked hard on it

In the real world, working hard on something you haven’t researched is a very bad idea. You should fire your marketing team.

Good thing the forums isn’t the real world then. :smiley:

To be honest.

@Hippolytus @clonedcheese

I discussed with people and you both did terrible job.

How are this logos meant to attract customers?
You are meant to run a company FFS.

Do you see any company with a logo like that?
Do you think any customer would buy a product with logos like that?

I don’t think so.

Think more buisness-wise.
You want to earn money. And for that you need to attract customers. Not make them laugh, but actually make them buy your product.

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basically what eevee said
you want an eye catching logo

I was busy so I didn’t have to e to make a logo

Also art isn’t my thing

In the real world making excuses get you fired

neither of these logos is super high-effort so I voted for the one that made me laugh


you see, you thought this was The Apprentice
but you were actually on Shark Tank the entire time

No one else did anything so