[Misc] The Apprentice - CANNED

Ah, but Asphalt_Concrete, the product being sold here is not ketchup, but rather entertainment, and in that regard the sixty-nine and four hundred twenty thousandths logo is clearly superior

Third is literally unsuitable for a company.

First… is unsuitable due to being politcal too.
But works better as a logo.

However second actually is simple and has name which you can remember.

Not like… random numbers which I still don’t even remember what they were.

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What type of entertainment

They are working in MarshalTech, which itself is about cowbot-hat technology products.

Also this logos are far from any basics of buisness.
Logo is meant to catch eye and be rememberable. So does name of a product.

Neither of those really qualify.

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If we’re being honest, the name itself is political in nature. So for Team Democracy, no matter what, they will be seen as political.

Why would you want your company name to be political?

I wanted to go with either a North Pole take or the team name Stars since it can be represented in nearly any form. The illustration of the logo itself will be simple, but to be honest I have no idea what is our company xP

I never wanted it. My team choose it so I am gonna stick with it. Besides, a political logo like that may also establish a strong base. Since those who are patriotic or nationalistic of America will be willing to buy the products we sell. Whatever the product is xP

Okay Universal, I’m your SEO specialist preparing to optimize your website.

What keywords should I optimize it for and prepare adwords campaign with?

Do you think I can optimize it so it shows up as first result when you write “Democracy” in google?

Wait let me see what our company is about first

Because if it’s entertainment, we can enter the news casting business

No, I can’t.

Picking word which has other meaning as company name is making it harder to promote yourself as company.

This is a very very bad idea for a news center to be political

with the same argument

do you think you can optimize it so that “69.420” shows up as the first result on google?

In that case we can promote the keywords:
Making Change

We are Info Waringgggg

When people search for 69.420? Yes.

For when people search for “Democracy”? No.

Naming company democracy means you will be literally unfindable through google, even if they type your exact name into it.

Nah but I get what you mean, however it can be seen as state sponsored media. But that’s if we choose entertainment.

Who tf searches phrases like that in google, lmao.