[Misc] The Battle of Wits - Canned

/swap Margaret and Damafaud’s cups while they’re distracted

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Fireslol now has Shurian’s cup.

And this should be cup 17.

The post above is accurate.

Tis a wonderful thread to have fun


Tbh I want to make a gesture of goodwill toward a fellow man with knowledge.

You currently have a poisoned cup (cup 8).

Swap it to anyone who has already made their turn and you are good.

Wait nani

Yeah, you had a poisoned cup.

Squints in oh shit

Astand poisoned it.


@Isaac_Gonzalez has not chosen in the time he was online. Discobot shall decide

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 2

@discobot 1d19

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot roll 1d19

:game_die: 8

@Margaret it is now your turn (player 6 already took their turn)

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/swap Shurian

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Sorry Shuri :heart:

My cup was poisoned too!

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