[Misc] The Battle of Wits - Canned

Don’t ask me for useless knowledge.

When you think u smart but your play is 0 IQ but you still think u smart

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It’s very important. You see, if i have quality wine I will keep it, otherwise I’ll switch and steal SHURIAN’S deluxe wine.

you see, a clever man would put the poison on the vintage bordeaux, because a person is more likely to be kindly disposed to high-quality, and since you beat my Spaniard, you must be clever, therefore I cannot choose the wine in front of me!

HOWEVER, I know you are an honourable man, as you did not take the opportunity afforded by this battle of wits to ambush me, and an honourable man would never sully a vintage wine with poison, therefore I cannot choose the wine in front of you!


Precisely! A man of honour would never poison the fine, Fine wine in front of me, so those who poisoned it are simply dishonourable.

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I’m not done!

You see, iocane powder comes from australia, and it is well known that all australians are criminals, and thus cannot be trusted! Therefore, you must have picked up their untrustworthy ways, and thus I cannot choose the wine in front of me!

However, based on your accent I can conclude that you yourself are australian, and so therefore you must be aware of this fact due to your intelligence! Therefore, you would predict that I would make this judgement, and thus I cannot choose the wine in front of you!



…It’s my UB40-branded Red Red Wine.

You would know I’m Australian had you examined my wine. It is a known fact we have the best wine, for we mix it with natural water for a more natural taste.

really? does your country’s talent in brewing end instantly as soon as you try to make beer?

Sadly, beer is unnatural and unused, which explains why we have no drunk people passed out in an alley.

are you telling me that you sold all the Forecks here just to get rid of it?

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On a slight note, I believe that Magnus’ willingness to swap wine with me is a signal that someone should pass the cursed wine to me before so that I can doom Magnus first

And thus I use my power as a Forum Veteran to rally everyone to my side

If i Poison you Shurian, i can’t play your rp anymore.
As such, my mission is to keep you alive.

I love big words Ici
Its witty and fun

I don’t know what’s happening anymore but I like it


Wait, Shurian’s swap was already processed despite that their turn hasn’t come yet?

Pretty weird, considering the result is dependent on order even if swaps are the same.

He hasnt
