[Misc] The Battle of Wits - Canned


/swap Astand

I bet you all 12 dollars htm’s cup is poisoned.

I hate you now

Who the fish put Discobot here D:

@Physician halp.

You’re literally the second last person, give it to anyone other than Astand and you will have doomed them.

How about we doom ourselves

Swaps poison for poison

If I manage to get to the last two, and become the uninformed one, I have a really really dumb idea.

It’s a WIFOM game at that point


But what if I’m lying? And your cup actually doesn’t have any poison.

And you have a perfectly safe cup. But what if I was telling the truth about your cup having the poison?

You are a lol there’s fire
The first thing you say is usually the truth

Also who ready to see me go kaboom by swapping for poison

I’m gonna survive to at least top 10.

I spent all my luck in gacha games
Now I have no luck in this


Your turn.

I think I have poisoned wine.
I don’t care.

@Wazza what kind of wine is it?