[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

wait so what happened when you tried to move me? Your bird got scared and flew away?

leave marg to die plz

and ill convince my pros to not kill everyone

I was on the fourth floor. I still am mate

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Maybe pros wont play against you if you do


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if it will cause less death than otherwise i will actively try and kill you.
but only when that is the case

you realize me and my pros didn’t do nothing

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so dont try and kill everyone

Magnus is on the floor with me so he can be my witness

and marg is evil trying to frame all of us

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this would do this kind of thing

she put me in a fire for no reason

no but you said you wanted to kill everyone here and i cant tell when your just meming or meming but still being serious

Marg saw someone like you
Shes telling me things

@Meteoro Check if boss is in 9 floor already

no just marg for trying to frame all of us

im seriously tired of marg trying to get my killed

Whenever it says that, it ain’t true


“gamwes pake threw abomb at me so it means you did it noob” - marg