[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

well i doubt isaac can kill me

  1. Magnus - Floor 4, meets up later with Lightsin
  2. Meteoro - Floor 2
  3. Hjasik - Floor 7
  4. Maxwell - Floor 5
  5. Margaret - Floor 10
  6. Isaac - Floor 13
  7. Gamerpoke - Floor 7
  8. Lightsin - Floor 1, moves to floor 2 or 3 based on need
  9. Boss - Floor 9
  10. Simon - Floor 2

Does this work

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Marg,I can change my action,should I?


Isaac floor 7

nah you go up
that is, unless you want to drown


Dont use if its limited action

if I wanted to move to floor 13 and I was on floor 11 would I have to visit floor 12 to get into 13?

It’s not limited I think,but you overwrite it

I’m fine with chilling in water tbh

Isaac being near quite literally anyone isnt happening k?

Hes like the outsider atm

that would waste your scuba gear


ok going to floor 15 and building a barrier so no one can get in

So submit and advance?

good thing my passive says I can build without a action

But we all go to floor 15 to meet up for leader LOL

well shit

Can’t go there if there’s barrier

Your’re Lucky I cant force people to flooded floors