[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

Wazza is a slepp boi now.


((Nerbins if you’re cohost why aren’t you on floor 4?))

(Because Waz forgot to invite me.)

How was my floor choice 4 u :slight_smile:

Boring. The egg hatched and the bird attacked met, who suddenly has a knife.

Understandable. Have a nice day.

If i lied about having told you I had a a gun, would you believe me?


I have a gun then. Infinite bullets.

that’s a lie

because my chest had 3 bullets

You kinda made it unrealistic when you said that

why would urs have infinite

Wazza never specified.

u prob have a gun with 0 bullets and im the one with 3 bullets

if he didn’t say anything about bullets then u got 0

I REALLY feel like we have to kill Isaac soon. He cant tell the truth about one damn thing

And if he cant just tell the damn truth, then hes anti-town and likely to hide things or attack individuals. Which he has already shown interest in doing

No u

im not telling the truth because I don’t want you to know things marg

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