[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

Yes. Anything is possible as no roles are specified in the OP.

You should read the original flood,there was dinamite and Monster eggs

This game will NOT be bastard.

I’m choosing Hometown boi


Already sounds fun

Do you remember that man’s name?

You can ask me some questions later. I’m going to go watch the rain fall down BECAUSE I’M IN YEE OLD ENGLAND!

There was also 2 wizards Who has to see the tower flood,2 people Who wanted to kill(i think) eachother and 1 Who acted like a NK

Oh right.

I need to specify one more thing.

There WILL be a King.


I’m gonna probably be the one kid that everyone wants to throw into the ocean and drown

Jackel byers I think?

Basically he caused this disaster of a Flood.


Jakrel Byers. The greatest dead man

This also happened on the first one

England, eh? Pretty big week in parliament the past week. Just started following the situation lmao

How do you pick this and how many people can get them?

The way it’s worded makes me think it’s NOT given and there’s only one of each.

Want to join Maxwell?

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Ignore me I’m stupid

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