[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

Only 2 players can get 1 of each, this rule is changed for “Golden Raffle” and “Diver”. Infinite amount of players can choose “Golden Raffle” and only 1 player can choose “Diver”. You are allowed to choose it during the first day.

I will add this to the op.

Can I queue for Hometown boy?

Do we know info on the mana shop?

Hard choice:

We dont fall for that in this town

In totally going hometown boy or mana
Is It public when people pick?

You should go mana. We can split up

I’m afraid it’s not a trick.

It’s literally just Skinner saying “no”

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I saw it already. It’s all a trick

Im going to try and maintain everyone alive btw

Im gunna try and survive btw

You also have to do other things based on your role.

Inb4 you have to suicide to win

Nah, surviving is meh

I’m gonna commit despacito early on just for the luls

This is too bastard… since everyone has to survive to win along with (possibly) something else to do.


Inb4 you have kill everyone


Killing someone,seeing the tower flood…

Now that.

That is possible.

I would keep people alive,they will kill themselves

Inb4 they get killed by you by accident