[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

jk my second action was opening the chest

1st action - grabbing knife
2nd action - opening chest and retrieving bullets

and I need wood to build a barrier

so I couldn’t do that

Cant you pick It?

I am a cool person and moved to a different floor :slight_smile:

youre not cool

Well that’s just rude, Isaac. Regarding what you just posted, that’s no excuse. Saying to someone that they’re not cool is way too far for this innocent little game.

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Im moving to 3 btw,2 is looted

ok nerbins

Anything other than the player?

F3 is empty

On floor 10, there is something that you dont need to know about but cant touch

You ok with going tomorrow to see the tapes?

Floor 11 had an inactive bomb

Pls no strange monstruous eggs


Just something we cant open yet


K,3 is empty,2 is looted


I think the mana store is going to be like items we cant get anymore from flooded floors, dead players, broken things, etc