[MISC] The Flood - Day 2 - Dawn Phase - FLOODED! (10/10)

I think It Will also be sold items

ah, umm


@Margaret you should just pick the player up at nightfall

@Simon tell me you didn’t use second action

who is “the player”

Tape player

i havent yet why?

I wasnt told about getting the knife or the tapes

If i didn’t get them(asked wazza ) get them

I’ve found some weird blue box

this is why instead of implying an action and having waz do it you explicitly say your action

Dont open

in bold and prefaced by a /

I already tried it doesn’t open

I said pick tapes,knife and go to floor 3

did you bold it and put a slash before it

Bold with / and in my classcard

during dusk you should do it in the thread because actions arent secret

The thing is,I changed floors,so It worked,and I said in chat what i was doing