[Misc] The Flood (Scrapped)

What if it explodes?

Throw it off the building?

Did boopy post your actions in the floor pm?

That’s what’s supposed to happen during this phase, I believe


Did anyone else find a monsta?

Maybe if this goes well The Flood 2 will have a hunger and thirst system : )

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Nope, just some boring ass wood and nails

Launch it to the outside(asuming there are windows)?

I don’t think there are any windows :confused:

We might as well burn it or stomp on it

Floor 3 only has a knife,nothing useful or dangerous.
What wording did you use to find the egg?

I’m crushing the egg.

Good luck

Well, if I go down

At least it’s with a shot of vodka in hand

The egg’s gone.

Reiteration, for everyone:

Gone as in disappeared, not gone as in smashed.

I think it hatched.
We’re dead. Very, very dead.

Oh shit O-O

I don’t see how I am acting weird there is nothing in my class card except for that I am deaf

Idk what else it means