[Misc] The Flood (Scrapped)

Luxy, you have a special passive?

Does anyone have any specific wincon told to them in their class card?

I have literally nothing

Not even any kind of restriction?

Does anyone else not have a restriction?

I have a condition,but it’s helpful

I am called the deaf


That probably means something.

Who is fine with going to floor 1?

It’s gonna be flooded so you need to move out using one of dusk actions (just checked with host, it’s valid).

Les me guess,you don’t know what people do?

What are you called?

Can diver survive in a water floor?

I believe so


Clearly not.

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They do, but it’s not necesary to be used yet.

I would rather send like 2 people to floor 1 and make them leave using dusk action.

We should also not pick the roles until needed

What if someone blocks the way out causing those two people to die?

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… Don’t give people wrong ideas.

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