[Misc] The Flood (Scrapped)

Alright, it’s settled
/Send Marluxion Floor 1
/Send Margaret Floor 5
/Send Eevee Floor 5

Celeste gonna kill us all

Floor 1: Luxy and marl
Floor 2: Blue and Nerbins
Floor 3: Meteoro and Merc
Floor 15: Gamer and Squid
Floor 5:Margaret and eevee

@PoisonedSquid I want to be on same floor as Nerbins OR I will have to waste action to go there wich I would rather not.

And why, pray tell, when you were discussing people outing problem actions, did you not out this yourself?

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Cause it’s not a problem, it’s me wanting to go with them.

Also at floor 11 if possible.

Then it’s not a requirement, and you don’t have to waste an action visiting them.

It’s nit a requierment BUT I will have to go to them anyway wich is pointless if I can be just paired with them.


What does your class card state you have to do?

Are you allergic to water?

None of this things I stated are directly required by my rolecard.

no but I think the devil is there

Stop asking people to out what they do and then being ambiguous about what you have to do. Nobody’s going to listen to you if you do that.

I never asked anyone about theirs goal.
I asked about what they can’t do to organise stuff.

You are asking about goal.

You’re using semantics to confuse.

Squid, stick with what you have planned.

Let me rephrase it again:

I do not NEED to go with Nerbins pre role
It does not really help my wincon in any way

I do believe that going with them is helping us most.

Also explain to me why you want to go to floor 11 when you said earlier that doing the first few floors is more beneficial.

@PoisonedSquid You might have just killed eevee


Cause I have a fucking radio for cross-floor comunication and Nerbins is most mobile person as rebel (well more or less).

Why would I waste radio for someone with negative modifier or unknown claim.

Floor 11?
Cause I wanted to spread out from there one person up and one down, since we can be limited how mamy floors we can move at once and communicate about what is in each room through radio.

Literaly making a radio-connected scouting party.