[Misc] The Flood (Scrapped)

Also kind of defense mechanism that lets you tell other person who attacked you, but I guess everyone will know about it now.

Would that not limit us though to how much ground we could cover from the lower levels?

Like I dunno how to explain it properly but starting at level 11 just seems like we’re missing out a majority of the lower floors.

Others are SCAVENGING lower floors while I wanted to SCOUT higher ones.


I dont think you really are going to live past d1

Yes, cause I outed I have something wich others don’t.

Blue is an idiot for not catching up tho.

Shit that makes people not want to play FM: 101

eevee, you got sent to the floor with a possible psychopath


I mean of all people who claimed he was most useful.

Yes, I kinda am making aliance at day 1 with them, since no idea what is this game gonna look like afterwards.

I still prefer them then you.


Can I spectate this?


I’ll go with Eevee

So you’re willing to have Celeste be with Luxy at the lowest level?


I refuse to go to the lowest floor

No offense, Celeste, but with your tendency to do… stuff, I don’t trust you with the lowest floor


Well then

It seems you’re both in agreement

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/backup if I can

If not, /spectate

How does the radio work?

when you want to finalise your decisions of who goes where just @ me

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I don’t care who i go with but i can’t be alone

Oh I just realised I forgot to tell you about talking

You can talk secretly to everyone on the same floor as you. You can talk publicly at any time, however the moment I tell you you’re dead you may not talk.