[MISC] VLDR 2: Electric Boogaloo [GAME OVER] Apprentice, Marshal, and TrustworthyLiberal have won!

Is this a case of Wispers OP?

this is a case of massclaim to apprentice for carry

Sure if I find it Iā€™ll give it to you if you have what I need

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If you Wispers me I will not decline to anwser buy I shall not inciate a whisper

this do be your wincon o_O

no itā€™s my wincon that Iā€™m having him info funnel to group so they donā€™t know itā€™s mine

My precious


  • You are searching for your necklace, a random player at the start of the game has it. If the carrier dies, the necklace is transferred to the killer.
  • You are informed when the necklace is transferred.
  • The carrier is unable to kill you, but you can kill the carrier very easily.

Win condition:

  • Escape with your necklace.

napā€™s role confirmed gg ez poggers

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This seems faked

/toss Marshal the necklace


itā€™s a role copypasted (slightly edited) from the ToS VLDR page

it could be something ~similar to this

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This would be a pretty sweet role to have ngl

But why would a good player refuse to give me the necklace?

you know whatā€™s a gamer idea. we systematically knock people out 1 by 1 during this phase to check their private slots for role weapons so we donā€™t get fucking blasted by bombs or something like that again

TL seems innocent ngl

I am here to help everyone as I said

help me by fullclaiming

50/50 on this.
Also means evils know whatā€™s hidden werid trade off

I am considering it as I said

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oh yeah take your time to think it over. it will be worth your while if you do. and just more fun

the order of people I trust not toā€¦ not to kill me is


lool why are Italy and Alice below me when they havenā€™t posted