Morphogenetic Mafia - Thread B

orangeandblack5 is a villager

Posting weezer albums until chloe is pocketed: Day 1

my brian is bigger than you could ever imagine

i’ve decided I should stick to mashes


in thread b

i feel safe

no one cares about my ways

in thread b where I belong

no one sees me write this post


stop talking to yourself you weirdo

if someone else wants to talk to me they are free to do so :slight_smile:

well I’m here

I don’t want to be hasty on this read, I don’t have exuberantly high confidence in it

But I don’t really think he’s displayed a wolf mindset so far. The basis for a lot of his reads is that people are making too many townreads. I’m counting out this being a deliberate attempt to keep the PoE wide, I don’t think his wolf game would be nearly on that level yet. If he’s wolf, what he’s doing is what he thinks he’d do as villager. And I don’t honestly think his perspective here is one a wolf immediately thinks a villager would have (I haven’t seen him rail about “too many townreads” in past games). Wolves know the entire town, and wouldn’t struggle to come to town on just about anyone. Villagers however… definitely could. I can see this as a valid perspective on the basis that he struggles to have a high amount of early v reads, finds it suspicious that others can put that forth, and accuses them of TMI in a roundabout way.

I think it’s villagery. It’s possible he just lucked into this position but also I think the basis of his reads is something I don’t feel like a newbwolf would think to replicate (and if he’s wolf it’s his first ever game)

not feeling it being a hit

Blizer’s told me that marl’s been actively solving / trying to move thread forwards, the reads he’s talked about line up with what chloe’s said.

@YoubutWorse this is important, answer when you see this.

Why are you hesitant to actually clear a high # of people.

are you okay


you love being confusing don’t you

what about that post was confusing, I can lay it out if you want.

please do lay it out, it’s 4:31am


Want to get it out there that the 1st and 3rd posts feel like they are based from the assumption that I’m villa but clearly doesn’t read me that way

Not as pingy as I felt originally but felt like putting it out there.

Now that I think about it, TL’s first post is pretty strange compared to what’s going on in the other thread.

Apparently Kyo suddenly decided to tunnel Chili but then ignore her when she responded and now that I think about it I feel like it may be scum pushing on a double mislynch on both me and Chili or at least trying to mislynch Chili and leave me alive? Sure it’s a bad take but it’s what I can kinda see.

Alright, I’ll try to condense it.

Basically, most of YBW’s reads revolve around it being suspicious that players making a lot of townreads early. That’s a perspective I could easily see him having as villager, because he himself would probably struggle with that, but I think it’d be harder for him to fake that as wolf, because he himself wouldn’t struggle to find many villagers, and would probably have a harder time coming to that read as wolf.

that better?

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It’s about as much as I can actually get out of 9 posts but I have serious reservations d1ing that slot