Morphogenetic Mafia - Thread B

that’s better

I had no clue you were on about YBW since you didn’t mention a name anywhere in the post from what I saw.

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Oh yeah it looks like I didn’t

thats on me lol

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lmao tbh I thought it might’ve been just some copypasta

Either way, I still don’t trust you but until Chili responds with how Blizer has been acting I ain’t really gonna bother pushing

in the meantime


I want more direct solving

Combing slots, backreading + ISOS, the whole 9 yards. Each of you can do it and by math at least 1 of you are villager.

Tell me your top villager, and make a case with quotes and nuanced analysis, as a start. Then keep doing it for however many other reads you have.

We aren’t going to get anywhere when some of the most experienced solvers are in-thread pumping out reads on a semi-regular basis in a weirdly casual manner, chit chatting through soulreads or whatever. Literally anyone can fake that as wolf. Get dirty, get out of your wolf ranges, none of you are there yet.

This isn’t meant to be some condescending “you guys are bad at reading and not trying” thing, but I think your efforts need to be focused in actually hammering reads through because all of your thought processes are shallow and pretty hard to track.



If I take things further and clear myself, wazza, youbutworse, and GGhana.

I’m left with Chloe, TL, katze, Ephemeral, Vulgard.

Chloe and katze are in their own weird world. I expect them to accurately read each other but that’s still not enough from either and want cases on people.

Ephemeral I only ever caught in hydramash because they were signal boosting the wrong things on like d3, thats not somewhere I could get as easily and their posts haven’t felt very AI to me

vulgard… I think the guy’s a wolf, his posts feel thread-grabby in a deliberate way which takes away from his actual solves, but I could be wrong. I want to see what I outlined in the ping post and gofron there.

TL… idfk. I’ll take their word that they’ll be hard to read until d2. I’ll see what kyo does and maybe read that slot that way.

you clearing YBW when their other head is apparently in scum meta and their posts aren’t good (yes ive read why) is noted

that post is a hypothetical where I clear anyone I think is villager.

And I think they are villager

Nobody can read eli for shit, let’s all be 100% honest. I’m trusting my own read over whoever in that thread says eli is in wolf meta. (and last I heard someone was saying that he wasn’t, but even then my point still stands)

ok then ur hypothetical is bad

is that better

yeah yeah whatever

I think I should get the title of “threadspewed town” cuz I’ve been one of the largest forces driving thread but basically all reads directed my way keep me in PoE or touch on me in an inconsequential way.

using amazing threadreads tell me and everyone else that this is accurate

marshal is “thread” “spewed” “town”

katze is “not a furry” and “just likes cats”

i’ve been playing btd6 for 6 hours i’ll do shit later

bloons takes priority

Back here.

Explain that, because last time I saw this term used in reference to Marshal on day 1, he was mafia.

If I do that, it’s going to be busywork I don’t believe in. I’ll be wasting my time and your time.

I’m not sure what to think about you pushing this so hard.

What you’re getting is my real thoughts. Sorry to hear that I don’t have enough, but I’d rather have fewer correct insights than many incorrect ones.