Mountainous 15er - Dead Chat

Thats all unintuitive af sorry Junior :upside_down_face:

It’s basically T v T (Kat v Dat) and it will make town lose.

Voting to no-lynch means that no one gets lynched

Doing this in F3 LyLo is gamethrowing because it ensures that scum get a factional kill and win

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I didnt realize that nolynch and abstaining are not the same

Town need to ISO/check votes/check deaths/etc. if they want a chance to win this imo.

Datbird loses us the game :woman_shrugging:

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i actually think it was me in this case.

kat is the logical vote

Ikik im just confused because its so unintuitive

I don’t see what I could have done to make it clearer :eyes:

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When the deciding townie isos a signup thread im not exactly filled with hope lol.


In fairness I think we can see a distinct difference between Kat’s signups-thread meta and Kat’s meta here

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>thread has like 100 posts

dat: what a great FoL game


Okay thats not salt
Thats just hilarious

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Did Datbird ever read the thread :eyes:

@Tangeld have u had any scum games on this site or is this ur first?

this phrasing is amusing if you think about it

I wanted to edit your post to see how you formatted this
God, sometimes my mind forgets I’m not mod anymore or yet again

So realistically if im ignoring all reads, its a 50% chance win if i pick one of you now.

Can I be unhappy

Arete, do you know what could happen too?
A circle vote, going straight into the 33/33/33 rand

Only if someone plays suboptimally