Murder Mystery Smalltown

Ok fine tree stump it is

are you piss babies happy now


this is what you fucking made me do

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anyways anything else

This sounds like a really fun setup. Count me in if itā€™s played. :slight_smile:

A reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely, GGhana.

being ironically threatening aside, flagbearers suck

@icibalus arenā€™t you a Kickstarter backer for blood on the glocktower

yes but thatā€™s an irl setup for irl and turbos, itā€™s not a smalltown for a full-length FM games
plus every BotC setup has some way of the game continuing after the Demon dies, which this emphatically does not have

Ici just backed it for early access to the Riot token as we all know

take all of these and throw them into a script
what could go wrong tm

do they suck less if youā€™re allowed to choose who the flagbearer is

Iā€™m not going for any option that doesnā€™t allow the mafia to choose who the flagbearer is so that the game doesnā€™t end because itā€™s on a slot that always dies

Maybe change it to be that the game only ends if the Culprit is eliminated?

If they die any other way then they turn into an accomplice on death and an alive accomplice becomes the Culprit

seeing as the only way the culprit could die to anything other than an elimination is via an event gift thatā€™s pretty unlikely to actually have an impact on anything

idk how many events there are though

Wait even midnight?

I mean

Does Heretic count

Donā€™t we like, not know the whole list for Midnight?

I think ici might know more than we do

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Ici is secretly the creator of botc

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firstly, Legion
secondly, literally every other non-LuF official script that has been revealed has one, I doubt theyā€™re going to break that pattern since itā€™s just basic good game design