My Cult Leader buff idea

In my opinion, Cult leader needs a buff. he is so underpowered compared to the Mastermind, and Cult members cant help him that much if he gets occupied or killed.

My idea? simple.

Add Royal Blood to the first Cult Leader.

If the first Cult Leader has Royal Blood, Cult can start to get the King so CL can step up and be more powerful.
Unseen can kill and convert in the same night and Cult cant, so it would be a nice buff.

Sorry if my english is not the best :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks for reading! love the game!

Cult leader is underpowered compared to the Mastermind because it is infinitely replaceable (mm is not), can still mass-kill twice… no I don’t think that you are correct!

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IMO they are fairly close to even at this point

Unseen can kill and convert in the same night

Cult can kill 2 people in the same night.

If the mastermind goes down after n3, cult permanantly loses all conversion capacity.

Cult always has a CL even if one dies.

Unseen has 1 assasain, 1 MM, and 1 converted.

Cult can have up to 3 converted members with tricks

cult does have to sacrifice it’s members to make attacks.

If you ask me there are pretty fair pro’s and cons between both.

Cult have a huge win rate right now. If anything, buff MM

Currently the Unseen and Cult are both very balanced fundamentally. The changes they might need are to the members not the leaders.

Example: The Invoker should be occ immune like every other offensive class in the game is.

I would also like to see a cult killer that you get from converting a knight or hunter. It would obviously need to be limited in power but would add more variety. (Basically add the Acolyte back as a side grade to the cult).

I likenthis with the cult leader having only 2 eradicates. Cult is very very strong and even worse against dumb BD or with an evil king.