First of all, let me be clear, on the whole I’m opposed to a ranked mode in general. Even with all of the suggestions it’s going to make, I don’t have a solution for the elo hell problem. My key problem with ranked, is that while I would absolutely preffer a veterans mode where experienced players can play with other experienced players, seperate from newer players, inevitably as people are set appart from eachother, the playing field is never even. (IE a great player that was misfiled into lower ranks, will lose more games than a mediocre player that was misfiled into mid/higher ranks).
That being said, if a ranked system “Must” be attempted. IMO to do it as close to not horrible as possible. There would have to be an invisible score system (Invisible as in you do not see any results until after the game, as in some cases score going up at certain times could reveal hints as to what certain individuals are).
1/4th of those points would come from individual accomplishments. Say if you are a an investigative, and an evil you just found (other than fool obviously), is executed, you earn points. If you are a butler and you block an evil that earns points. If you are a jailor or knight and kill an evil that earns points etc…
1/2 of the points would be team points. IE you earn team points whenever sides that cannot win with you are executed, you lose points when people in your faction are executed (non-k neutrals don’t fall into this equasion). Basically you earn these points as things go in favor of the team you are on WHILE you are on that team.
only 1/4th or less should be based on the factor of which team you happened to be on at the end of the game. IE if unseen breezed through the game, and you were BD until the last night, that should be a very low scoring victory for you. LIkewise if you kicked total ass as BD, but got sucked into a cult that was in a royally fucked cannot possibly win scenerio at the last second, you should still earn more points than the oposite case I just mentioned, as the majority of the game you were helping the team win, that eventually won.
A system like that also would most heavilly reward say a player that was an amazing asset for BD, giving them a very strong lead mid game, but then gets converted, and after being converted flips the script and carries his new allies to victory.
Again though all that being said, IMO at the very least I would say a leveling style of system (IE your rank only can go up, it can go up faster or slower based on how well you played, but it doesn’t go down when games go bad), over the style of ranked where score goes up and down. Nothings more frustrating and futile than getting paired up with a bad team… explaining on a pure logic basis exactly who the evils are, being able to demonstrate it, but the other players don’t know the mechanics well enough to understand what you are saying, and execute you or other BDs even after you explain who the evils are and how you know it, and that futile loss causes your rank to drop, making you have even more games with players that don’t know how to play and the cycle continues.