NDFM - Dead Villager Chat

It has Speedwagon

Y-you heathen!? You dare defile Speedwagon’s name?

I haven’t watched jojo

JoJo’s isn’t a mistake, only anime is a mistake.

Okay we good :^)


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This thread is now a shrine to our lord and saviour Speedwagon.

Praise be to he


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I would play Drakengard 3, but no.

But, it’s expensive (given DLC) and it’s gameplay/framerate leave a lot to be desired

honestly what we really need is a battle between Speedwagon and Shaggy at this point, to finally settle the fate of the universe

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We don’t want to end the multiverse


1337th dimensional beings cannot inhabit the same plane as us and expect it to work out beneficially for all.

Math is obviously town due to Solic’s assocations. Muahahahah. :smile:

Cause I’d never soft bus my scummate who’s about to die. :wink:


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I’m not crying, you’re crying

Also Geyde, this is why I might have had a particularly protective response, but I obviously couldn’t include that before. Math was part of my tribe.

This is what happened


Decipher what happened based off of what I quoted
And I will reward you with five letters of your choosing

Even in this sit I managed to not get mislynched