NDFM - Dead Villager Chat

Hippo hard carry town again

Thanks for hardcarrying us, Hippo!


I hardclaim Hippo.

Sorry I just love Automata

The purpose is when town snatches defeat from the jaws of victory

Its story is great and Iā€™m probably going to lose the rest of my break to it

honestly I fell in love with Automata as soon as I realised that elements of the UI are actually equippable items

I havenā€™t played yet sigh.

There are a great set of videos that cover it (although they do spoil)

So like you could remove your minimap to add more space for health or damage upgrades, and it all makes thematic sense because youā€™re playing as an android and itā€™s just really cool and itā€™s not even that significant.

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You know, a themed FM is a good idea.
Gonna do it with Mass Effect

Things Ici Likes For No/Bad Reason(s):

  • Alternating the shower settings between hot and cold
  • Star Trek: The Original Series
  • Tiny details that are really pointless but are nontheless really cool despite them not needing to be.

Have there been death note FM yet

What platform is it on?

Thereā€™s a PC version on Steam iirc

Iā€™d recommend checking out Clempsā€™s videos on Nier Automata if you donā€™t have the time to play / watch the game but still want to know about it.

Thats the only anime I watched and its actually rlly good despite my bias.

No there hasnt.

i would reccomend JoJoā€™s Bizarre Adventure but JoJoā€™s is kind of like the ultimate pit of insanity at the heart of anime that is nonetheless really good

An important thing to remember about anime is that no matter how good some of it is, it is, nonetheless, a mistake.

But Jojo isnā€™t a mistake