NDFM - Dead Villager Chat

Tbh, nobody was claiming d1. The sheer speed of the game makes me think that I may have set the ITA rate too high.

But why would Neil Patrick Harris have a vendetta against How I met Your Mother?

This is the secret never-before-told story of how the executive producers (of whom were aliens) tried to abduct the rest of his family, leading to him creating a team of super heroes Earth’s mightiest TV actors in order to stop them. Among them are:

Dub vs Sub for Drakengard 3.
Which is objectively superior?

Coudln’t Math just pick Disciples/Intoners paired with mafia, since he knew their type without even a claim?

It doesn’t work against intoner pairs
It says that in the description

It says can’t be used against Intoners, but not disciples.

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I think the ITA rate was fine it was more how the shots hit and fell was the problem.

Take a town with an average of y percent. That means a miss rate of 100-y percent.

The odds of all misses is ((100-y)/100)^t where t is the town shots.

The odds of all scum misses is ((100-x)/100)^s where x is scum ITA rate and t is the town shots.

From there extrapolate

Because intoners are mod confirmed but disciples still require a claim. Unless Zone claimed in thread or confirmed that I couldn’t shoot him

For the Drakengard series in general I kind of prefer the Japanese tbh. In the localization a LOT of taboo elements were removed and many lines were censored, in the first game this even kind of harms the plot as well.

I think this game went as fast as it did because of how much kill power everyone had ALONGSIDE the ITAs.


Ok, although it says “guess the player’s type” and not “quote the claim”.

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Yeah, I’d probably focus more on ITA dodge now. Way too many ITA buffers were added here.

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If it said quote the claim it would be useless as everyone softs. Very few people actually hard claim.

Agree completely, but I do believe the Japanese VAs also deliver more of the character in their lines.
It’s especially noticeable for Zero/Mikhail

This is why I like the guess what the target’s role is type of claimvig with sharp penalties if they guess wrong.
Eevee introduced me to it and I believe it works quite well

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So if there are let’s say 80 town in a game and you want if every townie shot and missed to happen 25% of the time (100-y/100)^t =m

So 100-y/100 = log base t m

Plug in values as you want

Math is a math nerd

I don’t know enough Japanese to make Japanese voice actors worth it. It’s just noise as I try to read. I turn off the voice acting or set it to English when possible.

Better yet how many ita deaths do you want in a given day from town and from scum. Start there for ita percentages :slight_smile:

That’s imo the best argument for choosing dub over sub in most instances. I get where you’re coming from tbh

We had 7 deaths to ITAs d2?