NDFM - Dead Villager Chat

Ask baz for flavor too, if you didn’t already.

Baz already claimed nier

Except I taught Magnus how to troll. :slight_smile:

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You really think he’d out the scums like that?


I’m not authorised to disclose the answer to that question.

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Exactly :slight_smile:

I can’t believe it.
This has happened beneath my gaze!

The morally unvirtuous must be purged and the corrupt lords of these lands must face justice.

But not like this.
This is inhumane. An unemotional, disappointing look at a pitiful existence.

And they spit upon it as their heel digs deeper into its skull.

The pain of it all, it’s unyielding!

What are we if we simply live to win, to triumph over others. My purpose as a being with this immense power has been unfounded and unknown. No thing on this earth understands what I am greater than myself.

I’m on top of the world.
With nobody to share it with.

It’s lonely on top.
Of the world.

Uh huh. Good luck with lynching town. :slight_smile:

You cannot understand my poetry!
The pain I feel is unknown to all that are not me!

you know I love how Geyde almost entirely replicated one of the central philosophical themes of Nier: Automata seemingly by accident there.


That was entirely by choice.

But really it was a blend of that and One’s backstory.

How they want to seek purpose and history but nobody knows what they are.
How they are utterly alone.

That leads to the creation of Brother One

It’s almost like Yoko Taro is a god at writing

iirc she occasionally asks her artists to draw the OPPOSITE of a character she designed just to defy expectations

which is basically the 200 IQ version of The Last Jedi

Unfortunately…I do.

It’s unfortunate, but life is a pile of shit.

So what do we do?
We try to cover the mistakes that we made way back when, but we can’t. And it doesn’t work. So we do it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

Where is the purpose in this life?

I really do. My name Is Orpheus.

Just putting it out there I enter deadchat and 10 seconds later we know all scum.



Become as Gods!