Neapolitan FM [Mafia Wins]

yep, I don’t think there are category or thread specific permissions on discourse (yet)


I just realized how long we have to wait for a mod game


P sure it’d be impossible to do that, you’d have to modify it so all folks can lock and unlock their own threads tbh

I don’t know how it really works but can’t you just make a new rank called forum mafia host and allow them to do that stuff.

I do not know how this works

that’s how it would work on php and what they do on MU/ToS/MS or anywhere
i’m looking up functions that could theoretically work rn

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I didnt know town of salem had FM

I’d rather postpone it for now as I have too much on my hands.

you can’t see it on the forums unless you’re logged in, but it does exist. It’s where i got into FM from. I sucked back in those days but in fairness everybody on ToS did sooooo

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What do you mean ‘sucked in those days’

how to stop sucking at this game

mole, you know i was terrible, could hardly read and did anti-villa and LAMIST stuff all the time when I played on ToS.

VCFM is the only one where I did decently and that’s just becasue I got peeked D1

There was an implied insult thar


My only objective was to buddy with Celeste so that I could chaos for 2 days, mislynch celeste, and push on Ashe that it would seem like I was trying to deflect

the only thing I have learnt is that it’s possible to create special catergories that are always anonymous regardless of what account you post on

is that even a thing? Although lord knows how many times Litten tells me to edit the OP but I’m out of eduts for 24 hours

apparently it is a thing, it hasn’t been used for a game of mafia yet but if the plugin is advanced it might work

we should request it then

still have no clue how any of this works by the way


The annoying thing is that I picked up on that at the end.