Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!


cuz you were prevented today

and i didnt occ you

we are making boss king who I poison then we hang you and jail exe captain

next day if king doesnt die we hang king and jail exe me and hope maxi wasnt assassin

I just explained to you already how that can occur. I KNOW I was prevented. Tinfoil: unless Marge didn’t jail anyone at all and you are trying to frame me now…! :eyes:

why would marge not jail anyone lol

She could have also used this on Boss, so that Boss could do their night action as well. She didn’t want to go for Boss at all yesterday.

that wouldnt make any sense if you were saint

since we all agreed that she jails and its way more effective

It’s way less effective, since the person can’t use their night action. If she thought boss was legit CW, then letting him iceward someone makes sense.

none of them update journal, this could save us a lot of time here

CW claims are obviously sus so it using that on boss would be stupid when she can protect prince or heal luxy

yes this would make game a lot easier if marg kept logs


why would marg protect CW claim from visits when she can protect prince or cure luxy from bleed

Because CW claim can then protect prince, protecting 2 people. Luxy was also poisoned, so that wouldn’t help him anyways. If anything she would have healed herself if that is possible.

she could have used phys ability to cure luxy

Phys ability doesn’t cure poison, only bleeding.

also all CW claims were sus so it wouldnt make sense to protect him