Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

Why are you asking me?

Am I voting Tech :thinking:

i asked from those who vote since there is already 2 votes on him

/vote Capt

I was memeing… scum trying to get mislynch confirmed!

I would never OMGUS.

you did OMGUS 2 times in a day already

Not Participating in RVS.

One of them was a meme and the other one I have a reason for (which means not OMGUS)

Im not sheeping XD also i dont know what rvs is

RVS = Random Voting Stage.

Are you sure about that ?




I didn’t OMGUS anyone… yet

@Alice no u

Alice has replaced out.
@NozBugz @Livicus first one to ping me Gets it


I’m gonna have to pass on this for now, Noz can get it

/vote htm

Someone do something

nah fam

This is so sad