Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

no u pls good sir

alexa play despacito


no u

Unaccuse Alice

Well then…

bazinga my man

lets accuse htm and get him to play

/Accuse htm

What could go wrong?

@Htm come provide content

Vote Count :ghost:

htm - Captain Luxy Baz 3/9
Luxy - Alice 1/9
Captain - htm 1/9
Tech - Blizer 2/9

You two better decide who’s gonna replace Alice or I’m gonna send the Boogeyman to kick your asses

I mean we could also ask on Discord, but still

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sigh I’ll do it @Kirefitten

I rly wanted to play Boopy’s Conspiracy when it gets online though


Thank you, Livi! You shall be spared :smiley:

(I’m really excited for Conspiracy too, I just hope nobody attempts to brainwash me into a freaky cult again cough Celeste cough)

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So what has happened here so far?

People died and now they’re ghosts

Who died

the OP has no graveyard nor links

@Kirefitten you have to up your game man

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Shurian the Princess and MathBlade the Physician are now spooky ghosts :ghost:

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I have none

Why post when I have 0 info currently other than Capt’s likely scum.

Also this game is kinda inactive so I have nothing that I can contribute

Just trust me about this though. Capt’s scum.

Yeah I don’t think anyone has any information and our only shephard just subbed out so now we’re lost.

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