Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

i am start to think marg is necromancer/neutral tbh

@Boss110 why’s that?

shurian deathnote

it’s just a gut but i can see at least 3 person who will use that deathnote

Lets just see if She dies in 2 nights

Can you list them for me?

Like Shurian is the only person using a deathnote like that, that I can see.

of course, a possibility of this to frame marg is possible but i highly doubt that

marg, max, blizer, and maybe sarun/alice

It Maximus. I’m like 95% sure maxi would use that.

Also he never came back and gave his top town after he said he went to ‘read’

There’s only like 200 posts to read.

/vote Maximus

and for someone to take that much effort just to put that deathnote meaning they planing it all along

1 Like

so a redirect kill is out of possibility here

Also he’s acting like he did in AAFM, though I don’t know how AI that is of him.

He was busy during AAFM and would always disappear to read and he may be busy now…

@Boss110 @Livicus @bazingaboy

CFD onto Maximus choo choo!


/vote max
@MaximusPrime why did you kill shurian? :disappointed_relieved:

I don’t like this post tbh, seem overconfident for me

Vote Count :ghost:

htm - Captain 1/9
Luxy - Tech 1/9
Captain - htm/ 3/9*
Tech - Blizer/Livicus// 2/9
Max - Luxy Boss 2/9


deathnotes can be faked

Deathnote really doesn’t look that unique.

I actually think techwolves is the baddie here

Unaccuse captain
Accuse techwolves

Fine ill claim im knight