Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!


Unaccuse techwolves
Accuse Maximus

painfully obvious
/vote luxy

No ur dumb go away

Vote Count :ghost:

htm - Captain 1/9
Luxy - Tech/Hjasik 2/9
Captain - htm 1/9
Tech - Blizer/Livicus 2/9
Max - Luxy/Boss/Bazinga 3/9
Fun fact: Do I sense meanie language in this castle?!

Techwolves claimed investigative so we should be on someone other than him (for now)

I claim Hunter that just bled Lucy so fuck outta here bitches

Boss sheeping?

Confirmed :clap: town :clap:



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Who should we vote then?

You and Captain are our most confirmed so far

What did cap claim? I didn’t see

Also I can’t bear tonight but evils are still unlikely to attack me

He only claimed Investigative due to HTMs prodding

An Investigative claim isn’t confirmed

I still think he is a Nightwatch

Prince should prob jail him to get his claim.

Yeah but we force their hand to bus someone relatively soon or we execute them.

Jailing them is the worst possible thing you can do because then they have an excuse to not get any results

@MaximusPrime you idiot

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I’m bleeding and need a heal.

I’m the sheriff

well dang, dead phy heal don’t protect you from attack so @GamerPoke guard our sheriff please?

Now that’s what I call a bazinga!