Necromancer's Revenge necromancer and vengeful spirit wins!

if we have another phy then maybe, but this is EFoL feedback right? @Kirefitten



Let me fix what you said, “her”

Dont want another newbie getting the wrong idea

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Wait How are you bleeding in unseen game?

you will not be told if someone heal you from bleed, so it’s not that much of confirm

in FoL assassin have bleed instead

Unseen bleed as well in this game.


Oh i was just used to ToL poison

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But We can see if She dies in 2 Nights to confirm phys just make phys Use 2 heals on her?

i am start to think marg is necromancer/neutral tbh

@Boss110 why’s that?

shurian deathnote

it’s just a gut but i can see at least 3 person who will use that deathnote

Lets just see if She dies in 2 nights

Can you list them for me?

Like Shurian is the only person using a deathnote like that, that I can see.

of course, a possibility of this to frame marg is possible but i highly doubt that

marg, max, blizer, and maybe sarun/alice

It Maximus. I’m like 95% sure maxi would use that.

Also he never came back and gave his top town after he said he went to ‘read’

There’s only like 200 posts to read.

/vote Maximus

and for someone to take that much effort just to put that deathnote meaning they planing it all along

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so a redirect kill is out of possibility here