Nerf MVP, buff night predictions, reward GP based on win ratio of classes

Lately the MVP scene in ToL has gotten pretty rough for at least 1-2 individuals every match. Especially when they provide alot of footwork during the game. MVP has degraded the value of good games (when they do happen) and the title states some ideas in part or whole to help compensate players. Such as rewarding GP = to win ratios, based on their chances to live through n1 yolos, failure to make a convincing plea, and other things that contribute to the statistics of win ratios. My idea could be considered an easy fix and maybe require a more details to properly compensate players while nerfing MVP.

Main idea is that some people fail to recognize a what a good game they had due to some failed or biased decisions of the other players voting mvp and ruin the feeling of success.

I’m politely reminding everyone that GG>MVP

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I disagree. If one makes many amazing plays they will surely get nominated for MVP. On the other hand, who cares what other players think. You know if you played a good game or a bad game. At the end of the day, the game is for personal enjoyment and people nominating a person for MVP is just an added bonus.


It does happen tho, I know we can all agree about it.

The idea is to appeal to all types of people and not have a function in the game that (some) people judge others or themselves so extremely. If mvp was nerfed people would feel more appreciative about the good game instead of feeling bad about not getting mvp and ultimately allowing themselves to ruin a good game on some sort of misunderstanding.

If predictions were buffed then the less skilled players would feel more compelled to stay and actually watch and try to gauge what happens the rest of the fight, while also making it more entertaining for the more skilled players who predict it, or there being a major plot twist and increasing the climactic moments in the game.

Also if players were awarded some for their win ratios they wouldn’t feel as bad for a neutral or defenseless bd getting exe’d/killed early game.

TBH I think the MVP system is fine as it is.

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